HTML Anchor Highlighting

, 1 min read

In Alexander Six's blog I saw that you can highlight HTML anchor text with a skewed bar. Below is the solution I use in this blog. I am still struggling with my own requirement that the skeyY angle is dependent on the length of the anchor string. Currently I do not know how I can find this out. …

Bandwidth Diet for This Blog

, 1 min read

As mentioned in Speed-Tests With the ratio of CSS to HTML (=content) was roughly 50:1. In my case CSS was taking 248 KB, while HTML is only 4.4 KB. Previously this blog continued to use Tailwind CSS, as started by the example for Saaze. But Tailwind CSS does not make too much sense for…

Printing COBOL Section Names

, 2 min read

1. Problem statement. Print COBOL section names, ideally title-cased. Use a Perl one-liner for this task. perl -ne 'printf("%3d %s\n",++$i,join("-",map{ucfirst lc $_}split(/\-/,$1))) if /([\-\w]+)\sSECTION\./i' COBOL-Source.cbl It will print "Working-Storage" as well,…

Generating JSON with COBOL

, 3 min read

1. Problem statement. Generate JSON from COBOL WORKING-STORAGE section memory area. GnuCOBOL can generate and parse JSON strings. Example. IDENTIFICATION DIVISION. PROGRAM-ID.…

Diagonal of Squared Jacobian

, 1 min read

Assume $f$ is a $m$-vector valued function in $n$-variables, i.e., $f:U\subseteq\mathbb{R}^n\to\mathbb{R}^m$. The Jacobian is given by $$ J = \begin{pmatrix} f_{x_1}^{(1)} & \cdots & f_{x_n}^{(1)} \\ \vdots & \ddots & \vdots \\ f_{x_1}^{(m)} & \cdots &…

Hashnode Markdown Bulk Import Is Troublesome

, 4 min read

1. I have written more than 300 blog posts, see sitemap. I wanted to import them into Hashnode. As all these posts were already in Markdown format, it was obvious to use the "bulk import" feature in Hashnode. The Hashnode bulk import reads a zip-file. This zip-file contains individual…

Performance Comparison C vs. Java vs. Javascript vs. LuaJIT vs. PyPy vs. PHP vs. Python vs. Perl

, 10 min read

1. Introduction. I always wanted to benchmark PHP, to confirm myself that choosing PHP as a static site generator is not a dead-end, compared, for example, against node.js. PHP 7 has already made huge performance advancements. See PHP 7: Features and Performance Comparison: Drupal - Compared to…

Calling MD4C from PHP via FFI

, 6 min read

1. Problem statement. When using one of the static site generators an important part of all of them is to convert Markdown to HTML. In my case I use Saaze, and I measured roughly 60% of the overall runtime is used for converting Markdown to HTML. I have written on Saaze here and here. When…

Brave Browser SIGSEGV Crash

, 1 min read

Today I saw a SIGSEGV error when fetching data from Twitter: After reloading the page the error was gone. I hadn't seen this kind of error before. Version used: Brave 1.25.73, Chromium: 91.0.4472.106 (Official Build) (64-bit). Revision…

Deletion Troublesome in

, 2 min read

Before I moved away my blog from to this place, I checked whether another provider would fit my needs. See for example,, or I also looked at I liked Hashnode as it provides Markdown as input. I later learned that Hashnode also provided… Bulk Update

, 2 min read

I wanted to redirect Google search results from to this blog. Ideally, one would add a "canonical link" in the head-tag of the HTML code. See for example 07 — Be Searchable: <head> . . . <link rel="canonical"…

Ampersands in Markdown URLs

, 2 min read

In this blog I reference web-page- or image-URLs, which contain ampersands ("&"). For example, Unfortunately, Markdown as specified by John Gruber does not allow this. This can be checked with John Gruber's…

Using NUC as WLAN Router

, 4 min read

I had already written about setting up an Odroid as IP router: Using Odroid as IP router. Today I powered down my second Odroid, which I had previously used as WLAN router. There was nothing wrong with the Odroid. It just drew 7W and the NUC was already running next to the Odroid. So there was no…

Matomo with Hiawatha

, 1 min read

For this blog I use the Hiawatha web-server. I wanted to employ a web-analysis tool. For this I chose Matomo. Matomo was called Piwik previously. I already use GoAccess on which I have written in Using GoAccess with Hiawatha Web-Server. To use Matomo with Hiawatha I had to do the following: Unzip…

Generate RSS from Markdown

, 3 min read

For this blog I wanted an RSS feed. Saaze does not provide this functionality. Saaze is supposed to be "stupidly simple" by design, which I consider a plus. Since 15-Aug-2022 Simplified Saaze can generate a RSS XML feed. Simplified Saaze, so to speak, is the successor of Saaze. This post…

Configure Lighttpd With PHP and HTTPS

, 1 min read

I use the Hiawatha web-server on my servers. For example, this blog runs on Hiawatha. Recently I needed a web-server on Red Hat Enterprise. Unfortunately, Red Hat does not provide Hiawatha directly on its Satellite program, but Lighttpd was there. I also wanted to use PHP and the connection should…

Speed-Tests With

, 2 min read

As I have moved my blog from WordPress to, I wanted to know if I am really getting better response times across the globe. WordPress always felt slow. Below measurements will confirm this. is a monitoring and performance measurement website. See Wiki article. The…

Using GoAccess with Hiawatha Web-Server

, 3 min read

GoAccess is a remarkable analyzer for your log-files written by the web-server. For example, GoAccess can read and analyze the log-files from Apache web-server. In the same vein, after some configuration, it can also read and analyze the log-files from Hiawatha web-server. The Hiawatha web-server…

Moved Blog To

, 3 min read

The blog is no longer maintained. I moved to, i.e., this one. During migration I corrected a couple of minor typos and dead links. Main reasons for the move: This new WordPress editor put the last nail in the coffin, existing content is garbled once…

PHP extension seg-faulting

, 5 min read

Task at hand: Call Cobol (=GnuCOBOL) from PHP. I used FFI for this: <?php $cbl = FFI::cdef("int phpsqrt(void); void cob_init_nomain(int,char**); int cob_tidy(void);", "/srv/http/"); $ffj0 = FFI::cdef("double j0(double);",…